In the meantime, four international live streaming events have been organised for 2020. The first two were held just recently: in Turkey on 4 November and the United Kingdom on 11 November, both with the participation of hundreds of industry professionals. The other two will be held in December, in the by now tried-and-tested digital format: 10 December in Egypt and 16 December in Algeria.
An occasion for Italian companies to present themselves and make new contacts in strategic markets to expand their business: three of these four countries are among the 20 main importers of Italian printing, packaging and converting equipment, while Egypt promises soon to be numbered amongst them, with constant growth in Italian imports predicted for the next years.
The discussions will focus on the two issues highlighted by the Print4All Conference last June - sustainability and industry 4.0 - viewed from a glocal perspective. Over the four events, the big Italian technology manufacturers meet and talk with the major local printers, converters and brand owners, as part of the expanded supply chain concept that has inspired the exhibition project and all annual conferences.
The Print4All Conference roadshows are organised by ACIMGA, the Confindustria association of printing, packaging and converting technology manufacturers, supported by ITA (the Italian Trade Agency), the government agency that supports the international development of Italian companies.
The current concept of digital printing cannot be separated from the broader idea of digital transition, which affects the entire print production wor ...
Read moreA new stop of the roadmap to Print4All 2025 was made on Monday 3 February, at the Italian Embassy in Algiers, in collaboration with ITA - Italian Trad ...
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